Wider Horizons School

since 1983
Accredited by NIPSA
Montessori Tradition
Preschool and Elementary
College Preparatory
Junior High and High School


Wider Horizons has a Spelling Bee, Geography Bee, and Handwriting Contest.


The students participate in organized sports and learn how to act gracefully in triumph and defeat.

Public Speaking

Students engage in educational fairs so that they can better understand science, history and different cultures. It also is a way for students to practice public speaking.

Family Days

Parent\student day is when parents come to school a observe their child at work.

Friday Night Live

At Wider Horizons School every student practices public speaking multiple times a year. Every student performs in the annual school performance Friday Night Live.

Field Trips

Students take part in educational field trips.

Key Features


Parents interested in Wider Horizons School for their children need to call the office at 352.686.1934 to set up an appointment for a personal interview. This interview includes parents, the child or children, and administrators of WHS.

The Facility

Wider Horizons School is located in a quiet residential area on five fully fenced and treed acres. There are two classroom buildings joined by a covered walkway.

Overview of Classes

WHS is dedicated to teaching children the learning skills necessary for success in life including a love of work, the ability to concentrate and self-discipline.

Field Trips

Field trips at Wider Horizons are always educational and generally local. These field trips help students understand certain concepts better and make learning more fun.


WHS celebrates holidays like Constitution Day on September 17 where students memorize parts of the Constitution of the United States to recite with classmates or to other classes.

Family Days

WHS is a family-oriented program so we make time to celebrate our Grandparents in mid-September.